The Quran is a blessing from ALLAH (SWT) for Muslims. Recitation of the Quran will help to boost our faith, cleanse our heart and brings us close to the maker of the world. Here we will discuss about 100 inspiring facts about the Holy Quran.
1) What is the meaning of the word Quran?
The meaning of the Quran is reading or reciting. It comes from the Arabic word Qaraa.
2) How many paras (parts) are in the Quran?
The Quran is based on thirty paras which are different from one to another. Each part has a specific blessing.
3) How many surahs are included in the Quran?
114 surahs are in the Quran. Some are Makki and some are Madani.
4) How many Makki surahs are in the Quran?
In the Quran 86 chapters are Makki surahs, because these are revealed in MAKKAH MUKARMA.
5) How many Madni surahs are in the Quran?
In the Quran 28 surahs are Madni surahs, since they are revealed in MADINAH.
6) Which surahs are considered the longest in the Quran?
Surah Al-Baqarah is considered the longest surah in the Quran.
7) Which surah is considering the precise surah of the Quran?
Surah Al-Kausar is considered the shortest surah of the Quran.
8) How many Manzils are in the Quran?
There are seven Manzils each of which has specific blessings.
9) In how many years the Quran was revealed?
The Muslims believe that the Quran was revealed from God, through Hazrat Gabriel. The revelation took place over a period of approximately 23 years.
10) On which night was the Quran revealed first?
The Quran was revealed for the first time on the“Night of Lela tul Qadar”. The date of this revelation is the 27t of Ramadan.
11) Which Surah is called the heart of the Quran?
“Surah YASEEN” is called the heart of the Quran.
12) In the Quran which surah begins without the Quranic word BISMILLAH?
“Surah Taubah” begins without the word BISMILLAH in the Quran.
13) In which historic time did the Quran revelation begin?
The Quranic revelation began On 22 December 609 CE and concluded in 632 CE.
14) How many surahs are in the last para of the Quran?
There are 37 surahs in the last para of the Quran.
15) Write the name of a female who is frequently called in the Quran?
Hazrat Maryam is the only woman mentioned in the Quran.She is referred to in the Quran seventy times.The Quran explicitly identifies her as the greatest of all women.
16) Write the name of surah in which the purity of HAZRAT AYESHA (R.A) is explained?
The purity of HAZRAT AYESHA was explained in the “Surah Al-Noor”
17) How is the first Hafiz (memorizer) of the Quran?
HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (PBUH) was the first memorizer of the Quran.
18) In which language the Quran was firstly translated?
Persian was the first language The Quran was translated to. Salman the Persian was the translator for the Quran.
19) What is meant by AL NUMAL in the QURAN?
AL NUMAL means the ant in the QURAN.
20) Who is the first translator of the Quran?
Shah Abdul Qadir and SHAH Rafiuddin were the first translators of the Quran.
21) What is the second name of surah BANI ISRAEL in the Quran?
SURAH ISRAA is the second name of SURAH BANI ISRAEL in the Quran.
22) How many times is the name of PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD(PBUH) in the Quran?
The name of the PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (PBUH) comes 4 times in the QURAN.
23) Write the name of the last surah of the Quran?
SURAH AL-NAAS is the last surah of the Quran.
24) Which surah is called the ARUS –AL- QURAN(bride)?
Surah AL REHMAN is called the ARUS –AL-Quran.
25) Write the name of the book which has been completely memorized by millions of people in the world?
The HOLY QURAN has been completely memorized by millions of people around the world.
26) At which place the Quran was revealed the first time?
The Quran was revealed in the CAVE OF HIRA (MAKKAH).
27) Who revealed the Quran?
The Quran was revealed through the angel JIBREEL( Gabriel).
28) Write the name of those responsible for keeping the Quran safe?
ALLAH himself took the responsibility of keeping the Quran safe, until the day of judgment.
29) What are the rules of holding and touching the Quran?
- Do Ablution
- Have a clean place to pray and wear clean clothes
- Avoid talking during reciting
- Read with Tajweed and translation
30) What is the main theme of the QURAN?
The main theme of the Quran is God, prophets, God blessings, the importance of virtue, sin and man.
31) How many paragraphs (Rukoo) are there in the Quran?
There are 558 paragraphs in the Quran.
32) How many times is the word ALLAH repeated in the Quran?
The word ALLAH comes 2699 times in the Quran.
33) How many times has the Quran stressed SALAH (prayer)?
SALAH stressed about 700 times in the Quran.
34) Write the name of the prophet who has been discussed and mentioned the most in the QURAN?
Hazrat MUSSA (MOSES) and he were mentioned 136 times.
35) Who advised HAZRAT ABU BAKAR (R.A) to compile the Quran?
HAZRAT OMAR FAROOQ (R.A) advised HAZRAT ABU BAKAR to compile the Quran
36) Who was the first person who counted the ayats (verses) of the QURAN?
HAZRAT AYESHA (R.A) was the first person to count the ayat of the Quran.
37) Which Surah is called the Mother of the Quran?
Surah Al-Fatiha is called the mother of the Quran
38) Which day is called YAUM –al Furqan?
Ghazwa –e- Badar is called YAUM –EL- Furqan in the QURAN
39) How many surahs start with the name of QUL?
Five surahs start from the name of QUL.
40) Which is called FATEH – MUBEEN in the Quran?
41) Write the name of surah which explains inheritance rules?
In the Quran, SURAH AL-NISA explains inheritance rules.
42) How many ayat are in SURAH –IKHLAS?
SURAH –IKHLAS has 4 ayat in the QURAN.
43) Which surah in the Quran discusses HABEEL and QABEEL?
HABEEL and QABEEL have been discussed in surah AL MAIDA.
44) How many mosques are mentioned in the Quran?
45) How many ayats in surah AL–Kausar?
SURAH AL-Kausar has three ayats.
46) Write the name of surah which is the beginning of the QURAN?
SURAH-AL-FATIHA is the start of the Quran.
47) How many surahs start with the word ALIF LAAM MEEM?
Six surahs start with the same word ALIF LAAM MEEM.
48) Which surah narrates GHAZWA KHANDAQ in the QURAN?
SURAH AL-AHZAB narrates Ghazwa khandaq( Battle of the Trench )
49) Which city is called Baladul Ameen?
MAKKAH MUKARMA is called BALA-DAL-aameen.
50) How many times does the name HAZRAT ADAM come in the QURAN?
The name of HAZRAT ADAM comes 25 times in the QURAN.
51) In which surah is the method of ablution explained?
The method of ablution is explained in Surah Al-Maida.
52) How many RAKUU in the Quran?
In the Quran, there are 558 RAKUU.
53) What is the most repeated word in the Quran?
The word Allah(SWT) is the most repeated word in the Quran . Allah has been repeated 2816 times in the Quran.
54) Write the name of surah in which the rights of women are discussed?
Surah AL-NISA explains the rights of women.
55) In the Quran which surah explains HOLY PROPHET hijrat?
SURAH-INFAAL explains the Hijrat of HOLY PROPHET.
56) Write the name of the word which symbolizes HELL in the QURAN?
HAVIA represents hell.
57) What are the names of angels who are written in the QURAN?
58) What is the other name of Madinah which is used in the Quran?
Yathrib is the other name that is used in the Quran.
59) Who is called Khataumun Nabiyan in the Quran?
HAZRAT Muhammad (PBUH) is called khatam nabiyan.
60) In the Quran what other name is given to Makkah?
The other name which is given is BAKKAH.
61) What does the Quran say about property and wealth?
The Quran says that property and wealth are the tests of faith.
62) In how many languages has the Quran been translated?
The Quran is being translated into 100 plus languages
63) How many names of ALLAH are there?
Allah has 99 names.
64) In which surah of the Quran BISMILLAH is repeated twice?
In SURAH-AN-NAML the word bismillah is mentioned in the beginning in (verse -1) and in the middle in ( verse-30).
65) Which surah is compulsory in offering salah?
The compulsory surah is SURAH AL-FATIHA.
66) Where was the last surah revealed?
The last SURAH was revealed in MADINAH.
67) Where was the first surah revealed?
The first surah was revealed In MAKKAH.
68) In which surah is the age of HAZRAT NOH being discussed?
The age of HAZRAT NOH was 950 years and is discussed in SURAH AL-MANQABAT.
69) Which surah is considered the last surah of the Quran?
SURAH –AL-NASA is considered the last surah of the Quran.
70) In the Quran, who is called AMA-UL-NAAS?
71) In which surah are HAROOT MAROOT and ZULQARNAIN discussed?
72) Write the name of surah in which the word ALLAH comes at the beginning of the ayat?
In SURAH AL-MADINAH Allah comes at the start of the ayat
73) What was the name of SATAN used in the Quran?
- Iblees
- Al Shaytaan.
74) Write the name of the most ancient MASJID, according to the Quran?
Masjid Quba is the most ancient masjid in the Quran.
75) How many times has the QURAN emphasized charity?
The Quran emphasized 150 times on charity.
76) How many times has the Quran mentioned the word DUNYA and AKHIRA?
Both words are mentioned fifteen times in the Quran.
77) How many times has the Quran mentioned the word SAY and THEY said?
Both words are mentioned 332 times in the Quran.
78) Which day does the Quran warn us of?
The Quran warns us of Doomsday repeatedly.
79) Write the name of the first student of the Quran?
80) What is the scale or measure of one’s dignity according to the Quran?
The dignity according to the Quran is TAQWA.
81) Write the interval between the first and second revelations of the Quran?
The interval was of two years and six months between the first and second revelations.
82) What is the first thing which ALLAH created?
The noor( light of our prophet).
83) Which Surah has the highest reward in the Quran?
Surah Al-iqhlas and Surah Al-Ala have the most significance in the Quran..
84) How many angels are discussed in the Holy Quran?
6 angels discussed in the QURAN.
85) Which is the most popular translation of the Quran in English?
The translation of the Quran in English is done by Muhammad Marmaduke –Pickthall and by Allama Yusuf Ali.
86) What according to the Quran is the root cause of the EVIL?
ALCOHOL is the root cause of the evil in the QURAN.
87) In which year were the vowels inserted in the Quran?
The vowels were inserted in the Quran in 43 HIJRII( Hijri is the Islamic calendar year).
88) How many ayat of sajdah are there in the QURAN?
There are 14 verses on sajdah in the QURAN.
89) What are the important types of ayat found in the QURAN?
The important types of ayat found in the Quran are MUHAKAMAAT and MUTASHABIHAT.
90) Who are the people named BANI ISRAEL?
People of the Prophet YAQOOB(PBUH) are known as THE BANI-ISRAEL.
91) When and where did the Prophet Muhammad and Jabraeil meet for the second time?
They met on FRIDAY the 18th of Ramadan in a cave on Mount Hira.
92) Why is SURAH FATIHA at the beginning of the Quran?
Because this is the key to the Holy Quran.
93) What is the greatest Sin according to Quran?
shirk is a greatest sin is disbelief also known as
95) How was the person referred to by the name of his Mother?
He was Prophet ISA: ISA BIN MARYAM.
96) Which is the first and oldest Mosque according to the Quran?
The first oldest and the oldest mosque is KAABA.
97) Who was KITAB- WAHII of the Quran?
- Abu Bakar
- Usman
- Ali
- Zaid bin Haris
- Abdullah bin Masood
98) How many ayats in surah AL–Kausar?
SURAH AL-Kausar has three ayats.
99) Write the name of surah in which the purity of HAZRAT AYESHA (R.A) is explained?
The purity of HAZRAT AYESHA was explained in the” Surah Al-Noor”
100) Write the name of a female who is frequently called in the Quran?
Hazrat Maryam is the only woman mentioned in the Quran.She is referred to in the Quran seventy times.The Quran explicitly identifies her as the greatest of all women.
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